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Seeking Model for Book Cover
Emotive Female Model sought for Intense Book Cover Shoot
I am creating a book cover for a book written about sexual energy.
Before you click away, this shot will have ABSOLUTELY NO NUDITY involved! No implied nudity either.
Essentially, I will be creating close-ups of parts of your face “in rapturous delight” so you must be able to act or at least look like you’re having an incredible time. You will be required to wear a short sleeve shirt or tank-top (anything comfortable) and whatever you want for bottoms as neither will appear in the final images.
Your hands/forearms will also be part of the shoot so the only limitation is that you cannot have extensive tattoos (anything that can’t be easily photoshopped out). Having incredible nails (probably painted in the RED range and not comically long) is a definite plus! Glue on nails are cool too as long as they don’t look obvious. It also helps, but not required, if you have long-ish hair to obscure parts of your face to add to the mystery of the image. We might try a wig if necessary.
This book is being shopped around to various publishers who may ultimately decide to use their own image so there is no guaranty you will be in the final product, HOWEVER, the plan is to create an image so irresistible that they will take all of it as-created. Regardless if you appear on the final published project, your images will still appear on this website and you are free to pass out this URL as part of your portfolio.
What you will be paid
Model will have to sign a model release so you will need to bring a photo ID. Pay is $100. Model will get digital images of all the best pictures (prints available if you need them), plus the final book cover mock up. You can even have a pre-edited copy of the book in PDF format! Also, this can be an entire photoshoot if you need images for your portfolio.
Are you ready?
You probably found this site from a message through Model Mayhem or another modeling site. Check out this site and determine if you would like to be attached to this project. If interested, please email me directly and let me know you’re in!
You can message me through the Model Mayhem messaging system so everything is totally safe and secure!
Not to oversell it, but if published,
this book has *the potential*
to become one of those books
that everyone can’t stop talking about.
Imagine being on the cover
of a best-selling book!
How would that look
in your portfolio!!?
My photography website has recently been hacked so I’m dealing with that, but you can find the very old restored site at
Please click on the Home tab up above to check out the still-being-created website with a basic mock book cover.